Starting MaSzyna rail vehicle simulator (release: 20.708.64.0) For online documentation and additional files refer to: Authors: Marcin_EU, McZapkie, ABu, Winger, Tolaris, nbmx, OLO_EU, Bart, Quark-t, ShaXbee, Oli_EU, youBy, KURS90, Ra, hunter, szociu, Stele, Q, firleju and others available monitors: Generic_PnP_Monitor:0,0 Gfx Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Vendor: Intel OpenGL Version: 3.1.0 - Build Supported extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_NV_conditional_render GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_INTEL_performance_queries GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_timer_query GL_INTEL_map_texture GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_provoking_vertex render path: VBO framebuffer objects enabled texture sizes capped at 8192p (4096p for cab textures) shadows map size capped at 2048p dynamic light amount capped at 7 (8 lights total supported by the gfx card) main window size: 800x600 Created texture object for "textures/fx/lightglare" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/lightglare" Created texture object for "textures/fx/sun" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/sun" Created texture object for "textures/fx/moon" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/moon" Created texture object for "textures/fx/reflections" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/reflections" Created texture object for "textures/fx/smoke" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/smoke" Bad file: failed do locate texture file "fx/invalid" Picking framebuffer setup complete Reflections framebuffer setup complete Gfx Renderer: setup complete available audio devices: OpenAL Soft Audio Renderer: OpenAL Soft OpenAL Version: 1.1 Supported extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device Python Interpreter: setup complete No gamepad detected Created texture object for "textures/logo" Loading texture data from "textures/logo" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/logo" aren't powers of 2 using simulation seed: 2514023278 Loading scenario "$td.scn"... Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_solidwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_solidwhite" Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1_side1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltdark1_side1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pws.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/cbp" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/cbp" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pws.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pw.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pw.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pz.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_x_d_bombardier.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_przejazd" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_przejazd" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_x_d_bombardier.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/bombardier_spr.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_spr" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_spr" Created texture object for "textures/oslonatrakcji" Loading texture data from "textures/oslonatrakcji" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/bombardier_spr.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6l_bombardier.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/szlab_bombardier" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/szlab_bombardier" Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/szlaban" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/szlaban" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6l_bombardier.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6r_bombardier.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6r_bombardier.e3d" Loading sound data from "sounds/crossingbell1_bombardier1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/crossingbell2_bombardier1.ogg" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-new" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-new" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2_normal" Created texture object for "textures/wzp" Loading texture data from "textures/wzp" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalfrictionpattern1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d" Loading sound data from "sounds/zwr_naped-1.ogg" Created texture object for "textures/tra/betonrelief1" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/betonrelief1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tra/elementy01" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/elementy01" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/wzl" Loading texture data from "textures/wzl" Created texture object for "textures/tr/kotwa_teownikrurowe" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/kotwa_teownikrurowe" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/odciag1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/odciag1" Created texture object for "textures/tr/ciezarbeton3" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/ciezarbeton3" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.43, 0.43, 0.43) Created texture object for "textures/tr/naciag" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/naciag" Created texture object for "textures/tr/slup_beton1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/slup_beton1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.20, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.20) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/a-12" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ypzpcpb_dd.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/glowice" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/glowice" Created texture object for "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ypzpcpb_dd.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/sem/slupy" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/slupy" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ypmg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ypmg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b-2m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4ypzcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4ypzcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ypbl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ypbl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-1m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3iczb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3iczb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.38, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/j-2m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/k-1m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3ypczb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3ypczb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ypbg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ypbg.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/p-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/p-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toa" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toa" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2ypzp_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2ypzp_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmypbg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmypbg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1_sbl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1_sbl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/top" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/top" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2izp_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2izp_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2i.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.38, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2i.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_mz.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "w1t" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.69, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_mz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipxb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipxb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3yppzb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3yppzb_dd.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipzb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipzb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w16" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w16" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/w17" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/w17" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/rezonator" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/rezonator" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna" Loading texture data from "textures/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna" Created texture object for "textures/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna_sama.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/trakcja/lina" Loading texture data from "textures/trakcja/lina" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metal1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metal1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/trakcja/kabina_sekcyjna_sama.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/grass" Loading texture data from "textures/grass" Bad track: "tdo_n659" can't find assigned event "stacja2_b_sem_info" Bad track: "tdo_n296" can't find assigned event "stacja2_b_s1" Bad event: "przej_1_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_1_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_1_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 104e-023-hist, [104e_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 104e_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Braked New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/aircoupler" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/sprzeg" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/sprzeg" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/cien104e" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/cien104e" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.66, 0.66, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 0.65, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "_drabinki_" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.18) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-wozek" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/koloalst" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/koloalst" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/metalfrictionpattern1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.26, 2.26, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.51, 2.51, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/panto-a" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/panto-a" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.25, 2.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pantop02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.35, 1.37, 1.38) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pantop01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.35, 1.37, 1.38) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pantmech02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pantmech01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.35, 2.35, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-023-hist" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-023-hist" Loading sound data from "sounds/wheel-heavy.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_104e_curve_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_curve_mix_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_curve_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/104e_3]curve.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/silence1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_ep09_transmission1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_ep09_transmission2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_ep09_transmission3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_ep09-rvent.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/104e_3]break_scr.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/derail.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/104e_3]horn1-start.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/104e_3]horn1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/104e_3]horn1-stop.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_v3_horn_4.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_v3_horn_5.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_v3_horn_6.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]compressor-start.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]compressor.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]compressor-stop.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]converter-start.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]converter.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/09]converter-stop.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/pantup1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/pantdown.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/sand_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/sand_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/sand_3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_releaser_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_releaser_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_releaser_3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/runningnoise.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_relay_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/pneumaticrelay.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/couplerattach.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/couplerdetach.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/697_brake.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/brake-slipp.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/wejscie_na_bezoporow.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/wescie_na_drugi_uklad.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/[1007]estluz.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/couplerstretch_default.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/bufferclamp_default.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/lomotpodkucia.ogg" 07/26/20 11:22:17 8 start sent 07/26/20 11:22:17 9 start sent 07/26/20 11:22:17 8 tdo_n5 sent New timetable for 104e-023-hist: rozklad New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrdersClear New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrdersInit Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2419) Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2422) Scenario loading time: 1 seconds Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sky/stratus_clear" Loading texture data from "textures/sky/stratus_clear" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d" Loading sound data from "sounds/rain-sound-loop.ogg" Trying to enter player train, "104e-023-hist" Loading sound data from "sounds/24150_buczek_cashp.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/hasler_1_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/hasler_2_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/hasler_3_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/hasler_4_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_5km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_10_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_20_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_30_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_40_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_50_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_60_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_70_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_80_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_90_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_100_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_110_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_120_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_130_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_140_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_hasler_150_km.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_104e_switch_panto_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/24150_radmor_rs_sygnal.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/sm42-powietrze.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/[1007]fv4a_luz.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/[1007]fv4a_e.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/[1007]fv4a_x.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/[1007]fv4a_t.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/24150_104e_runningnoise_20.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/24150_104e_runningnoise_80.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/24150_104e_runningnoise_160.ogg" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/kaba_ep09_old.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1]pulpity4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1]pulpity4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/szyba_front" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/szyba_front" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13_def" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13_def" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity7" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/pokretla" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/pokretla" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/nj" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/nj" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/nastawnik_jazdy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/nastawnik_jazdy" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/tacho_elementy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/tacho_elementy" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13_sech" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13_sech" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/hebel2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/hebel2" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/hebel_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/hebel_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13podsw" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/rt13podsw" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Tube02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.09, 1.09, 0.36) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/przyciski" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/przyciski" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-409/fotel_003hd_409" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-409/fotel_003hd_409" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-409/fotel_material_409" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-409/fotel_material_409" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_2]pulpity6" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/radiotel" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/radiotel" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/radmor_krasnowski_uchwyt" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/radmor_krasnowski_uchwyt" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/05]amper_obw" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/05]amper_obw" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1]pulpity" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_1]pulpity" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/kaba_ep09_old.e3d" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_dec_0_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_1_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_2_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_3_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_4_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_5_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_6_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_7_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_8_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_9_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_10_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_11_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_12_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_13_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_14_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_15_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_16_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_17_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_18_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_19_s_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_20_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_21_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_22_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_23_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_24_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_25_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_26_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_27_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_28_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_29_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_30_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_control_v2_inc_31_r_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_dec_0_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_inc_1_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_inc_2_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_inc_3_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_inc_4_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_bocz_v2_inc_5_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_reverser_v2_inc_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_reverser_v2_dec_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_reverser_v2_inc_0_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_odc_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_pop_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_jaz_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_ham_1_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_ham_pelne_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_ham_uzup_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_fv4a_ham_nag_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_pom_ham_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_pom_luz_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_pakieciak_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_pakieciak_2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_big_button_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_big_button_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_big_button_4_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_big_button_4_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_hebelek_2_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_hebelek_2_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_button_shp_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_button_shp_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_switch_v2_1_on_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_switch_v2_1_of_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_switch_v2_2_on_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_ep09_switch_v2_2_of_1.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_panto_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_panto_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_train_heating_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_train_heating_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_left_white_light_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_left_white_light_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_up_white_light_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_up_white_light_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_right_white_light_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_right_white_light_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_left_red_light_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_left_red_light_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_right_red_light_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_right_red_light_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_lights_cabin_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_lights_cabin_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_light_devices_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_light_devices_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_horn_pom_high_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_horn_pom_high_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/24014_haslerclocktick2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_201e_daszek_open_5.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_201e_daszek_close_4.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_light_devices_1_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_switch_light_devices_1_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_sandbox_pedal_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_sandbox_pedal_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_radio_2_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_radio_2_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_wis_2_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_wis_2_of.ogg" Bad model: failed to locate sub-model "none" in 3d model(s) of "104e-023-hist" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_radmor_pokretlo3.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_radmor_pokretlo4.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_radmor_pokretlo2.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_radio_3_on.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_button_radio_3_of.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_light_ca_start.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_light_ca_stop.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_light_shp_start.ogg" Loading sound data from "sounds/20786_203e_light_shp_stop.ogg" net: assigning id 1 to vehicle 104e-023-hist 104e-023-hist received command: [aidriverdisable] 104e-023-hist received command: [heatingtoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [heatingtoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [batterytoggle] New order for [104e-023-hist]: OrderNext 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [reverserincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received 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[mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: 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received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: tdo_rez_shp Type: PutValues - [CabSignal] [-1.00] [-1.00] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:06 9 tdo_n5 sent 07/26/20 11:24:06 8 start sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:14 9 start sent 07/26/20 11:24:14 8 tdo_n25 sent EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_s1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_s1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_sem_ligh1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_sem_info_stop EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_os1 07/26/20 11:24:14 2 stacja1_a_s1 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_sem_ligh1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_os1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_ligh1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_sem_distinfo_slow 07/26/20 11:24:14 2 stacja1_toa_os1 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_ligh1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_toa_sem_distinfo_slow Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetProximityVelocity] [500.00] [0.00] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:20 9 tdo_n25 sent 07/26/20 11:24:20 8 zwr01 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:21 9 zwr01 sent 07/26/20 11:24:21 8 tor2p sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_a_sem_info_stop Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] 07/26/20 11:24:24 9 tor2p sent 07/26/20 11:24:24 8 tdo_n35 sent 07/26/20 11:24:29 9 tdo_n35 sent 07/26/20 11:24:29 8 tor_st1_1 sent 07/26/20 11:24:33 9 tor_st1_1 sent 07/26/20 11:24:33 8 tdo_n54 sent 07/26/20 11:24:37 9 tdo_n54 sent 07/26/20 11:24:37 8 tdo_n63 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:40 9 tdo_n63 sent 07/26/20 11:24:40 8 tdo_n72 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 07/26/20 11:24:44 9 tdo_n72 sent 07/26/20 11:24:44 8 tdo_n81 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:47 9 tdo_n81 sent 07/26/20 11:24:47 8 tdo_n90 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:50 9 tdo_n90 sent 07/26/20 11:24:50 8 tdo_n99 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:24:54 9 tdo_n99 sent 07/26/20 11:24:54 8 tdo_n109 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 07/26/20 11:24:57 9 tdo_n109 sent 07/26/20 11:24:57 8 tor2k sent EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k-s1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k-s1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_s1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_psk1_sp1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_psk2_sp1 07/26/20 11:24:57 2 stacja1_k-s1 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_s1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_sem_ligh1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_sem_info_stop 07/26/20 11:24:57 2 stacja1_k_s1 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_psk1_sp1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_sem_ligh1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_k_sem_info_stop Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: stacja1_psk2_sp1 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 07/26/20 11:24:59 9 tor2k sent 07/26/20 11:24:59 8 zwr02 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 07/26/20 11:25:00 9 zwr02 sent 07/26/20 11:25:00 8 tdo_n145 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [instrumentlighttoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [instrumentlighttoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [instrumentlighttoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [instrumentlighttoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [instrumentlighttoggle] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 07/26/20 11:25:03 9 tdo_n145 sent 07/26/20 11:25:03 8 koniec sent 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 07/26/20 11:25:06 9 koniec sent 07/26/20 11:25:06 8 tdo_n176 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] 07/26/20 11:25:09 9 tdo_n176 sent 07/26/20 11:25:09 8 tdo_n185 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 07/26/20 11:25:12 9 tdo_n185 sent 07/26/20 11:25:12 8 tdo_n194 sent EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: tdo_n194:event2 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: tdo_n194:event2 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykaj1 07/26/20 11:25:12 2 tdo_n194:event2 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykaj1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykaj EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_licznik+ Type: AddValues & Track command - [X] [1.00] [X] 07/26/20 11:25:12 2 przej_2_zamykaj1 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykaj Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_slow1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_stop1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_slow2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_stop2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_0_sygn1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_0_sygn2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykajcd 07/26/20 11:25:12 2 przej_2_zamykaj sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_slow1 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.10] [-1.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_slow2 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.10] [-1.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_zamykajcd Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog3on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog4on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell_work 07/26/20 11:25:12 2 przej_2_zamykajcd sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell_work Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [On] [X] [X] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_0_sygn1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_0_sygn2 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 07/26/20 11:25:15 9 tdo_n194 sent 07/26/20 11:25:15 8 tdo_n157 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_stop1 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_stop2 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:17 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:17 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 07/26/20 11:25:19 9 tdo_n157 sent 07/26/20 11:25:19 8 tdo_n213 sent EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: tdo_n213:event2 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: tdo_n213:event2 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykaj1 07/26/20 11:25:19 2 tdo_n213:event2 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykaj1 Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykaj EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_licznik+ Type: AddValues & Track command - [X] [1.00] [X] 07/26/20 11:25:19 2 przej_1_zamykaj1 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykaj Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_slow1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_stop1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_slow2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_stop2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_0_sygn1 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_0_sygn2 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykajcd 07/26/20 11:25:19 2 przej_1_zamykaj sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_slow1 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.10] [-1.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_slow2 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.10] [-1.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_zamykajcd Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog3on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog4on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell_work 07/26/20 11:25:19 2 przej_1_zamykajcd sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell_work Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [On] [X] [X] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_0_sygn1 EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_0_sygn2 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:22 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:22 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 07/26/20 11:25:23 9 tdo_n213 sent 07/26/20 11:25:23 8 tdo_n222 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_stop1 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_stop2 Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetVelocity] [0.00] [0.00] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:24 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:24 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog2on Type: Animation EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog3on Type: Animation 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakebailoff] 07/26/20 11:25:27 9 tdo_n222 sent 07/26/20 11:25:27 8 tdo_n231 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:27 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:27 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:29 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:29 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog1on Type: Animation 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_rog4on Type: Animation 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [trainbrakeset] 07/26/20 11:25:32 9 tdo_n231 sent 07/26/20 11:25:32 8 tdo_n240 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog2on Type: Animation EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog3on Type: Animation EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:32 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:32 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] 104e-023-hist received command: [independentbrakeset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:34 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:34 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog1on Type: Animation EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_rog4on Type: Animation EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:37 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:37 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 07/26/20 11:25:38 9 tdo_n240 sent 07/26/20 11:25:38 8 tdo_n203 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:39 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:39 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:42 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:42 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakeincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:44 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:44 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [manualbrakedecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:47 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:47 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:49 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:49 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:52 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:52 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:54 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:54 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:57 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:57 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 07/26/20 11:25:58 9 tdo_n203 sent 07/26/20 11:25:58 8 tdo_n258 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:25:59 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:25:59 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:02 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:03 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:04 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:04 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:08 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:08 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:09 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:09 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerdecrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] 104e-023-hist received command: [motoroverloadrelayreset] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:13 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:13 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] Key pressed: [Ctrl]+[Space] 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined 07/26/20 11:26:14 9 tdo_n258 sent 07/26/20 11:26:14 8 tdo_n268 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined 104e-023-hist received command: [converteroverloadrelayreset] Converter Overload Relay Reset button is missing, or wasn't defined EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:14 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:14 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:18 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:18 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:19 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:20 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:23 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:23 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:25 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:25 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:26:27 9 tdo_n268 sent 07/26/20 11:26:27 8 tdo_n277 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:28 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:28 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:30 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:30 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:33 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:33 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 07/26/20 11:26:33 9 tdo_n277 sent 07/26/20 11:26:33 8 tdo_n286 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] 104e-023-hist received command: [mastercontrollerincrease] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:35 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:35 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:38 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:38 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 07/26/20 11:26:38 9 tdo_n286 sent 07/26/20 11:26:38 8 tdo_n249 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:40 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:40 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 07/26/20 11:26:42 9 tdo_n249 sent 07/26/20 11:26:42 8 tdo_n306 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:43 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:43 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:45 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:45 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 07/26/20 11:26:46 9 tdo_n306 sent 07/26/20 11:26:46 8 tdo_n315 sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:48 2 przej_2_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_2_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:48 2 przej_2_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_2_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk 07/26/20 11:26:50 2 przej_1_dzw_petla sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_petla_wyk Test: MemCompare - przej_1_mem_bell - [On] == [On] && [*] && [*] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_dzw_petla 07/26/20 11:26:50 2 przej_1_petla_wyk sent EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell1on Type: Sound - [loop] EVENT LAUNCHED by 104e-023-hist: przej_1_bell2on Type: Sound - [loop] 07/26/20 11:26:50 9 tdo_n315 sent 07/26/20 11:26:50 8 tdo_n324 sent 104e-023-hist received command: [alerteracknowledge]