Starting MaSzyna rail vehicle simulator (release: M7 8.08.2019) For online documentation and additional files refer to: Authors: Marcin_EU, McZapkie, ABu, Winger, Tolaris, nbmx, OLO_EU, Bart, Quark-t, ShaXbee, Oli_EU, youBy, KURS90, Ra, hunter, szociu, Stele, Q, firleju and others Gfx Renderer: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family Vendor: Intel OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build Supported extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_texture_float GL_NV_conditional_render GL_EXT_texture_swizzle Framebuffer objects enabled Texture sizes capped at 512 pixels Shadows map size capped at 2048 pixels Dynamic light amount capped at 7 (16 lights total supported by the gfx card) Loading common gfx data... Created texture object for "textures/fx/lightglare" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/" Created texture object for "textures/fx/sun" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/" Created texture object for "textures/fx/moon" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/fx/reflections" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/" Created texture object for "textures/fx/smoke" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/" ...gfx data pre-loading done Picking framebuffer setup complete Reflections framebuffer setup complete Audio Renderer: OpenAL Soft OpenAL Version: 1.1 Supported extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device Python Interpreter setup complete No gamepad detected Created texture object for "textures/logo" Loading texture data from "textures/logo.bmp" Loading scenario "$td.scn"... Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_solidwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/" Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1_side1" Loading texture data from "textures/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pws.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/cbp" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pws.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pw.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pw.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pz.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/cbp-pz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_x_d_bombardier.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_przejazd" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_x_d_bombardier.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/bombardier_spr.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_spr" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/oslonatrakcji" Loading texture data from "textures/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/bombardier_spr.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6l_bombardier.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/szlab_bombardier" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/szlaban" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6l_bombardier.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6r_bombardier.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/szlab_6r_bombardier.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/crossingbell1_bombardier1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/crossingbell2_bombardier1.ogg Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-new" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/wzp" Loading texture data from "textures/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/zwr_naped-1.ogg Created texture object for "textures/tra/betonrelief1" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tra/elementy01" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/wzl" Loading texture data from "textures/" Created texture object for "textures/tr/kotwa_teownikrurowe" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/odciag1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/" Created texture object for "textures/tr/ciezarbeton3" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.43, 0.43, 0.43) Created texture object for "textures/tr/naciag" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/" Created texture object for "textures/tr/slup_beton1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.20, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.20) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ypzpcpb_dd.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/glowice" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ypzpcpb_dd.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/sem/slupy" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ypmg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ypmg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4ypzcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4ypzcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ypbl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ypbl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3iczb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3iczb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.38, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3ypczb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3ypczb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ypbg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ypbg.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/p-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s2ypcb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s2ypcb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s2ypml.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s2ypml.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2yp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2yp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toa" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to1ypp_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to1ypp_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmypbg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmypbg.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1_sbl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1_sbl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2ypzp_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2ypzp_dd.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/top" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2izp_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/to2izp_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2i.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.38, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d2i.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_mz.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "w1t" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.69, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_mz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipxb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipxb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 0.88, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/tosptmibg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3yppzb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3yppzb_dd.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psk2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psb1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipzb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/sp3ipzb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psc1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psk1_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psb2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "stacja1_psc2_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/d1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/d1-4" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/" Created texture object for "textures/metalplatedirt1" Loading texture data from "textures/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/d1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w16" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/w17" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/rezonator" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/grass" Loading texture data from "textures/" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/odsekc20" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/" Bad event: "przej_1_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_1_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_1_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" Bad event: "przej_2_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ep07-424-tv, [303e-ep-tv] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-ep-tv.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked --> OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-tv/base.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/sprzeg" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-tv/base.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/skins/303e-ep-tv-424-hist" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/skins/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/normals/303e-ep-tv-424-hist_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/normals/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/alstom4" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Bad file: failed do locate texture file "303e-ep-tv-424-hist,3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e/303e_1]int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/components/przedzialmeu07" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/components/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e/303e_1]int" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e/303e_1]" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_koszula" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e/303e_1]int.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_stuk_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_stuk_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_stuk_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_stuk_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_transmission.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep08_rvent.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_brake_eu07_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_brake_eu07_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07_brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/silence1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/derail.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_104e_curve_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_mix_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]curve.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/et22_horn_v1_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_horn_v1_mid.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_horn_v1_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]syrena5-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]syrena5-mid.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]syrena5-end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07spr_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07spr_mid.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07spr_end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/conv_41_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/conv_41_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/conv_41_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_pantograf_dosieci.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]patyk_dol.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sand_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sand_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sand_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/runningnoise.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik02.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik01.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik03.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik04.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik05.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik06.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik07.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik08.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik09.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik13.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik14.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik15.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik16.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik17.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik31.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik32.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik34.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik33.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik37.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik39.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik41.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik43.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik28b1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik28b2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik28b3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik28b4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_303e_stycznik28b5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pneumaticrelay_18x.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerdetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_303e_bezoporow_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wejscie_na_drugi_uklad.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_303e_ws_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_303e_ws_of.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_najazd_bufory.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_najazd_stuk.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-slipp.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_couplerstretch.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/lomotpodkucia.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 51512071081-6, [111aw-spot] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111aw-spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111aw-spot.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wheel" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/skplamp" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111aw-spot.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/bdnu-51512071081-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/bdnu-51512071081-6_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111aw_spot.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_nawiewka_spot_pr2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111aw_spot.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]brake_111a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_10.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_30.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_50.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_100.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]estluz.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]est_bac.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]doors_open_111a_v2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786]doors_close_111a_v2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_curve_111a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/cisza.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-17_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-23.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-35_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-63_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-80.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-120.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/passengers_loading_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/passengers_loading_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]brake_162a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_bufferclamp.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 505126-08109-8, [bdhpumn] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/bdhpumn.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/bdhpumn.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/bdhpumn.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/505126-08109-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/wnetrze.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/wnetrze" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "korytarz00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/wnetrze.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_wheel_bmnopux_nev_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_wheel_bmnopux_nev_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_brake_bmnopux.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_door_open_bmnopux_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_door_close_automatic_bmnopux_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/curve.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 505126-08109-8n2, [bdhpumn] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v2/bdhpumn.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Braked --> OrdersClear New timetable for ep07-424-tv: none --> OrdersClear --> OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] Orders for ep07-424-tv: 0: Wait_for_orders <- 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders --> OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en96-001-a, [34we-a] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/34we-a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart --> OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/34we-a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szklo2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wycieraczki_bombardier" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_przod-tyl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pantograf" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lampy_wycier" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szyba_refl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_srodek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/34we-a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96a-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Bad file: failed do locate texture file "en96a-001,4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/elf_intsrkab_a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/elf_kabint" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/sr_a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/podloga" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_krawat" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/elf_intsrkab_a.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_wheel_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_wheel_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_wheel_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]elf_engine.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]36wea_f1000.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/disc_brake_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_panto_down.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/c_189_1pantho_hs.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_start.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_work.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_door_open.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_door_close.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_stopien.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pneumatic_pop_0.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pneumatic_pop_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pneumatic_pop_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pneumatic_pop_3.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pneumatic_pop_4.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_ep_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/24150_elf_zapiecie.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/24150_stadler_rozlaczanie.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_ws_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_ws_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wejscie_na_bezoporow.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wescie_na_drugi_uklad.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en96-001-b, [34we-b] LOAD FIZ FROM dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/34we-b.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/34we-b.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/okno_wc" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/34we-b.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en96/en96b-001," Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Bad file: failed do locate texture file "en96b-001,4" Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/34we-b.mmd - missed submodel ramiedolne1_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/34we-b.mmd - missed submodel ramiedolne2_pant01 Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/elf_intsrkab_b.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/elf_intsrkab_b.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/disc_brake_2.ogg New timetable for en96-001-a: none --> OrdersClear --> OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] Orders for en96-001-a: 0: Wait_for_orders <- 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders --> OrderPush: [Shunt] Orders for en96-001-a: 0: Wait_for_orders <- 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders --> JumpToFirstOrder Orders for en96-001-a: 0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine <- 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders --> OrdersInit Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2416) Scenario loading time: 25 seconds Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sky/stratus_clear" Loading texture data from "textures/sky/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/rain-sound-loop.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono Initializing player train, "en96-001-a" sound: loading file: sounds/24150_e186_runningnoise_20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_elf_runningnoise_40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_elf_runningnoise_70.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_elf_runningnoise_100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_elf_runningnoise_120.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_rs_sygnal.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_joystick_brake_inc_v1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_buzzer.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/[9629]traxx-hamulec-bezpieczenstwa.ogg Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/kabina_a_krotka.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/korytarz" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/sciany_bok" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/koliber/radiotelefon_koliber" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/koliber/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/srg-5000p" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/koliber/koliber_zalaczony" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/koliber/" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/gasnica" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pulpit_blat" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pulpit2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/tabor/koliber/koliber_zgaszony" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/koliber/" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/ekran/ekran" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/ekran/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/guziki" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/rabbit256" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/astromal_niebieski" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/fotel" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szyby" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pulpit_p" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/" Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Texture pixelcount exceeds specified limits, skipping mipmap level Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/kabina_a_krotka.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_joystick_inc_v2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_joystick_dec_0_v1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_panto_v1_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_panto_v1_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_joystick_brake_inc_v2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_joystick_brake_dec_v1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_3_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_3_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v2_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v2_3.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_stable_1_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_stable_1_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_stable_2_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_stable_2_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_1_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_1_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_2_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_unstable_2_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v2_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_whistle_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_whistle_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_shp_ca_on.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_button_shp_ca_of.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v3_3.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v3_4.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v4_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v5_1.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v5_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v5_5.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v5_3.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v4_3.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_switch_position_v3_2.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]roleta_dol2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]roleta_gora2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/window_pcv_open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/window_pcv_close.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_klik.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_rs_wcisniecie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_rs_puszczenie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_zew3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_koliber_wylaczenie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/locker_open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/locker_close.ogg Player train initialization OK Key pressed: [F4]